April 13, 2023
The Boston Planning and Development Agency’s board plans to hold a public hearing in May on a project that seeks to convert a Comfort Inn on Morrissey Boulevard into housing for formerly homeless people.
The public hearing, which is typically a precursor to a vote, is set for May 1 at 6 p.m.
Two nonprofits, Pine Street Inn and The Community Builders, are seeking to overhaul the 131-room hostelry at 900 Morrissey Boulevard into studio apartments, complete with kitchenettes and 24-hour, 7-day a week security. Case workers would also be on hand to provide services to the formerly homeless.
The number of units has been reduced to 99, down from 104, according to a BPDA filing.
The proposal has drawn support and sharp opposition from the surrounding neighborhood. Opponents say they do not want formerly homeless people living near them, while supporters say permanent supportive housing is desperately needed as the city, and the overall region, grapple with high demand for housing and low supply.
The Comfort Inn is surrounded by a Stop & Shop, the Murphy K-8 School, a Dunkin, Extra Space Storage, and Jiffy Lube.
The proposal was first filed with the BPDA on Nov. 4, and the public comment period closed in January.