Nine from BGCD roster named finalists for Youth of Year award

Nine members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester have been named as finalists for the club’s Youth of the Year award, the highest honor a Boys & Girls Club member can achieve.

Each of the following members has completed the nomination and essay requirements and was interviewed on March 9 by a diverse panel whose members will select the top boy, girl, and youth.

The Youth of the Year winner will go on to compete in the state competition, which may result in moving on to the regional and national competitions for Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s 2021 Youth of the Year.

The Dorchester finalists are: Dhoha Hussein, 17; Gabby Gold, 18; Tina Le, 17; Kate McGrath,17; Cordell Givens, 17; Anthony Curioso,17; Jamil Boykin,17; Zhilee Cine,18; and Patrick DaSilva,17.

Youth of the Year (YOY) has been Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premier recognition program since 1947, celebrating the extraordinary achievements of Club members.

To achieve the title of Youth of the Year on any level, club members must have demonstrated that they embody the organization’s values of leadership and service, academic excellence, and a healthy lifestyle.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester is a place for young people to learn, explore talents, play and make friends. Today, as always, its members have access to 200+ activities for just $5 a year.

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