August 17, 2020

Activating ARTivism, a virtual benefit concert series organized by local activists Amanda Shea and JD Neinast, will return for a second installation this Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00-10:00 p.m.
The first virtual event held back in June featured a series of 15-minute-long performances from local artists and speakers and raised over $5,000 for nonprofits Violence in Boston and the Fields Corner-based Louis D. Brown Institute. This week’s Zoom concert will feature an even more star-studded lineup of Boston talent--including Dorchester’s Red Shaydez--with proceeds benefiting MissionSAFE, a Boston-based non profit that works with at-risk youth, and Trans Resistance MA, an organization that helps provide emergency housing for displaced trans folk.
Shea, a spoken word artist and organizer, is also a teacher at MissionSAFE, while rapper and Dot native Brandie Blaze is a program director who will speak at the event on behalf of the organization. Those links between nonprofits and artists drove the collaboration, said Shea.
“This time, we wanted to get some youth organizations involved and also center it around trans lives,” she explained. “I have a lot of trans friends, and during COVID I have had three friends who have become displaced. I also understand that certain landlords are very discriminatory against trans people, so that’s why we chose [Trans Resistance].”
Attendees will have to provide proof of donation to at least one of the two organizations in order to gain access to the Zoom link, which will be sent out on the day of the concert.
During each live 15 minute segment, artists will be able to perform or speak about “anything they’ve been feeling, what they’ve been seeing in society, or just what’s on their hearts and minds,” said Shea.
Sponsors for the event include the Beat Club Podcast, run by Dorchester’s own Mark Merren; Brockton Beer Company, one of the Commonwealth’s only Black-owned breweries; and Spark FM, the first Black female-owned radio station in Boston.
For entry, make a donation to either MissionSAFE or Trans Resistance MA and email proof of donation to