Land Court orders mediation for River St. property dispute

A dispute between developers of a 4-story,11-unit building planned for 54R River St. in Lower Mills and the property’s next-door neighbors is headed for mediation.

The residents brought their case to the state’s Land Court on Tuesday ahead of a scheduled city Zoning Board of Appeal meeting next week. At issue is the boundaries of the condominium complex, which abuts Taylor Terrace, a dead-end street made up of a row of single-family houses with small backyards. Neighbors contend that the developers are cutting things too close for comfort and have hired a lawyer, Arthur Kreiger, who has sought an injunction to stop construction at the site.

During a hearing in a Boston courtroom on Tuesday, Judge Michael D. Vhay extended an injunction that he ordered at a separate hearing last Thursday, which prohibits the developers — 54 River Street Lower Mills LLC —from building beyond the current property fence in any way.

Vhay also ordered the two parties to meet with a mediator next week to resolve the property line. If there is no agreement within 60 days, a trial will be scheduled. The issue will also appear as an agenda item at the Zoning Board of Appeal meeting on Jan. 28.

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