June 7, 2019

The coming weeks in June will see several summertime events hit the streets and parks of Dorchester and Mattapan.
Next Saturday, June 15, Think Peace and Atlant Music will present the Unity Peace Festival at Ronan Park from 1-6:00 p.m. According to a press release, the first annual edition of the festival is meant to “unite our diverse community of friends and families” and “celebrate our neighborhoods and help young people and families connect with organizations and programs that provide services to youth at risk.” Said Luisa Tavares, who lost her son Andrew to gun violence in 2010: “We want to unite our diverse community and establish cooperation in fighting youth violent crimes in our city.” The festival will include live music performances by local artists, kids activities, and more. Organizers are currently looking for vendors. Register for the free festival here, or for more details email atlantmusic75@gmail.com.
Mattapan Love, a new free outdoor summer event series sponsored by Boston Food Forest Farmer’s Collaborative, Greater Mattapan Neighborhood Council, and Ideal Mixer, will kick off next Sunday, June 16th with an all-day event at Ryan Playground from noon to 7:00 p.m. The event series’ mission is “to promote Mattapan as a destination and activate vacant spaces with art and culture.” Attendees can expect live music, food trucks, an open market, and community-led activities for kids and adults alike. Register for the event here, and contact mattapanlove@gmail.com for more information.
On Saturday, June 22, the Jones Hill community will host a Block Party from 1-6:00 p.m. on Cushing Avenue between Wilbur Street and St. Mary’s to build community and fundraise for My Brother’s Keeper 617, a non profit mentorship program for disadvantaged black and Latino boys. In the aftermath of a deadly shooting in the neighborhood last month, the event is meant to “help address some root causes of community violence and spread awareness of this special group.” The Block Party will include food, music, games, raffles, and contests. You can donate to the non profit’s GoFundMe page and RSVP for the block party here.
The same day, June 22, the Boston Arts & Music Soul (BAMS) Festival will return to Playstead Field at Franklin Park for its second year. This year’s lineup will feature predominantly female performers and will showcase local independent artists, including Dorchester-based artists Cliff Notez and Red Shaydez. In addition to live music, the festival will feature art exhibits, games and activities, and a local vendor market. Learn more about the free festival, which will run from noon to 8:00 p.m., at bamsfest.org.
The Friends of Ronan Park Annual Kite Festival will take place Sunday, June 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Event organizers are seeking volunteers to assist with flyering the week before the festival, setup and breakdown, and a variety of activities during the festival. The event will feature grilling, lawn games and activities, and of course, kite flying and assembly. Learn more about the event here, and email info@friendsofronanpark.org to sign up as a volunteer.