No meetings on tap on Morrissey rehab

The status of the Morrissey Boulevard redesign plan is on hold until the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) can identify and resolve encroachment and easement issues along the critical artery. 

The state intends to rebuild and elevate portions of the roadway in a three-phased project that could take a decade to complete.

According to a DCR spokesperson, the review process is necessary before moving past the 25 percent design phase at which the project has been stalled. Concerns from Mayor Martin Walsh essentially sent planners back for rounds of community feedback in early 2018. There has been no further movement since a public comment mailbag last March called on the state to get things going again.

The nearby leg of the Neponset River Greenway that winds through marshland by the rainbow gas tank, is still in the early design stages. Another meeting will be held once that design hits 75 percent, DCR said, after which design plans will be posted online. The agency expects to complete the design by the end of the calendar year.

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