September 13, 2018

A rendering of the project looking along Talbot Avenue. RODE Architects rendering.
The project team for a mixed-use development at the site of a current Lutheran church at 500 Talbot Ave. has filed plans with the Boston Planning and Development Agency, starting the official city review process.
In documents submitted in early September, development team JPD Development Co., headed by James Baker, proposes ground floor space including 1,815 square feet of interior church space and 3,000 square feet of new ground floor retail space.
The "four story building with a mezzanine" would include 40 condominium units in studios, one, two, and three bedroom options. Five units would be made affordable to align with city standards.
As the church "is currently underutilized," the filing reads, "by removing this building, the current site will have the opportunity to become a central node and destination for the surrounding neighborhood, helping to make a vibrant connection between Dorchester Ave. and Codman Square."
On-site garage parking accessible by Argyle Street would include 23 vehicle spaces.
Adjustments around the Arglye Street and Talbot Avenue intersection would "convert the large, unused swath of pavement into new, usable public space," tweak the intersection to create two public plazas, and add a raised crossing on Argyle Street.
To review the Small Project Review filing, visit the BPDA website.