October 30, 2017

A rendering shows what the old Uphams Corner Comfort Station could look like— if it wins a competitive grant to transform it into a bike shop and cafe.
The old Upham’s Corner Comfort Station on Columbia Road is one of the top contenders in the national “Vote Your Main Street” competition. A plan to transform the old building into a bike shop and cafe could share in a $150,000 from the Partners in Preservation program if it tops the ticket.
The program, designed to preserve historic structures, is fundedby the National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express.
The Comfort Station was built in 1912 by architect William Besarick to support the expanding street car system in Boston. It sits adjacent to the Dorchester North Burying Ground and is listed on the State and National Registers of Historical Places .
If the project, paired with the Pierce Building on 786 Dudley St. across from Comfort Station, gathers enough online votes before Tuesday, Oct. 31, the historic Comfort Station building— neglected in recent years —will transform into Sip & Spoke Bike Kitchen, a combination coffee and bicycle repair shop that will also house the four-year-old nonprofit Bowdoin Bike School, founded by Dorchester resident Noah De Amor.
Historic Boston Inc., along with the American City Coalition, is rehabilitating the Comfort Station to preserve the story of Boston’s growth and change in Uphams Corner. The $1.4 million project is expected to begin in the spring.
Supporters of Boston’s Comfort Station and Pierce Building projects can support them by voting at voteyourmainstreet.org/dorchester.
The sites with the most votes will be announced and awarded grants for restoration projects on Nov. 2.