January 24, 2017
The Zoning Board of Appeals has approved a developer's plans to replace a single-family home on Fuller Street near Dorchester Avenue with a three-story building with six apartments.
In its 6-2 vote on Wednesday, the board did set two provisos for 20 Fuller St: That builder James O'Sullivan try to move the building's main entrance from the side to the front and that he work with the BPDA on the building's "contextualism" with the surrounding two- and three-family homes.
Board member Anthony Pisani said ensuring the building doesn't stand out like a sore thumb is especially important for "what it may portend for future projects similar to this one" in the side streets off Dot. Ave. across from the T stop.
He made his motion after nearby residents said several other houses in the neighborhood are now being advertised at "teardowns" to developers and builders looking to get in on the mini-building boom near the T stop, which includes larger apartment buildings directly on Dot. Ave.
The project needed zoning-board permission because it far exceeded the maximum density allowed on the street, in a two-family-house zone. Also, the six offstreet parking spaces proposed for the four three-bedroom units and two two-bedroom units is less than the 7 1/2 that would normally be required.
The mayor's office and some immediate abutters did support the proposal.