December 12, 2017

Architect's rendering of 233 Hancock St.
The Board of Appeal on Tuesday approved developers' plans to replace two auto-body shops at 233 Hancock St., near Pleasant Street, with a five-story, 36-unit apartment building that would also feature space for an art gallery.
Benjie and Dan Moll would also tear down two billboards now up the hill from the shops, their attorney, John Pulgini, told the board today.
The proposed building would have 20 parking spaces on the first floor.
The Molls are planning twelve studio apartments, twelve units with one bedroom, eight with two bedrooms and four with three bedrooms, none more than 950 square feet. Board chairwoman Christine Araujo said the sizes seemed kind of small to her. Pulgini said that is to try to bring the rents for each unit down. He added that five units would be rented as affordable.
The BPDA has already approved the proposal.
233 Hancock St. small-project review application (3.8M PDF).