June 22, 2017

A rendering of what a new apartment complex in Lower Mills would look like.
A proposal to build a 57-unit apartment building on land, including the site of the former Molloy funeral parlor on Washington Street, will begin to move through the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) process, according to Michael Skillin, president of the Lower Mills Civic Association.
The Lower Mills group voted 12 to 9 to support the project at an October 2016 meeting, prompting the development team from City Point Center to begin the requisite (BPDA) Article 80 Large Project Review process by filing a letter of intent last year. However, no further documents have been filed for public review since that time.
In a brief update to the civic membership on Tuesday, Skillin said City Point Center representatives last week pitched the civic group’s executive board on a five-unit increase for the 48,303-square-foot site. Upon some pushback, an attorney for the group told Skillin that they have decided to proceed with the 57 units.
These six parcels along Washington Street have been in limbo for years, Skillin said. The civic board plans to monitor the Article 80 proposal to ensure that only 57 units are put forward.
“We’ll keep our eye on that,” he said. “It’s been a good four years. We certainly do want to see something developed there, but we want to make sure it’s the right thing that’s developed there.”
The Article 80 process will include several BPDA-led public meetings and requires a traffic study for the area.