May 31, 2016

Dorchester's own Jimmy Hayes (center) and Kevin Hayes got a sneak peak at some of Beantown Athletics' Dot Day gear. Pictured at left is NHL player and former BC Eagle Johnny Gaudreau. Photo courtesy Beantown Athletics
Beantown Athletics on Granite Avenue serves a host of sports-related needs for the neighborhood all year-long. This week, they are busy outfitting Dorchester for our biggest celebration of the year: Dorchester Day.
Beantown has a full array of Dot Day gear on display in its Tent Sale, now up and running in the shop’s parking lot at 132 Granite Ave. T-shirts, tanks, hats, and stickers. The Dot Day Blowout sale continues through June 4— just in time for Sunday's big parade on Dot Ave. A number of new styles are in stock for this year’s parade. Right now the biggest sellers are the tank tops and the American flag Nike swoosh hats, according to Tony King.
The store, owned and operated by King, Joseph Trabucco, John Kostas, and Peter Needham, offers screen-printing, embroidery, promotional items, and skate sharpening. It is the only in-house union screen-printing, embroidery shop in Boston, according to King.
Also a constant presence in the Beantown is Beans, an English bulldog, who is the stores mascot.
Union workers, the old school and new school Dorchester heads are all a part of the styles for shirts and hats. Beantown Athletics will not be selling its gear on the parade route, so make sure to stop by 132 Granite Ave. under the tents in the back parking lot now until Saturday afternoon.
You can also check them out online at