Mattapan United housing fair draws big crowd

More than 100 people turned out for the Feb. 5 Mattapan United housing fair.

Mattapan United’s Housing Action Group hosted a Housing Information Fair at the Old Mattapan Library on Tues., Feb. 5. The event was a huge success with over 100 participants.

One of Mattapan United’s goals within the housing action group is to “Provide Affordable Housing Related Education and Services” which was well executed at this event. There were resources for everyone, including those who were looking for housing applications or were on section 8, information for homeowners on how to keep their homes and decrease their mortgage payments, and even ways to be more energy efficient and save on heating and electric bills.

“I was pleased to see the various organizations represented and the amount of people in the community that joined to respond to the need,” said Reverend Zenetta Armstrong, co-chair of Mattapan United’s Housing Action Group. “People were really happy to receive the information. It should be done annually with even more organizations. The space was perfect for the event.”

Participants who attended the event were assisted by wonderful organizations that answered questions, gave out free giveaways and even completed applications on the spot. The organizations that participated are as follows; Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership (MBHP), NSTAR, Renew Boston, ABCD Housing and Foreclosure Prevention Department, CFS Realty, and Citizens Bank.

Among those in attendance were other leaders of the Housing Action group including Pastor Pierre Zephir and Dieufort Fleurissaint. State Representative Linda Dorcena Forry was also at the event to show support for MU.

The Housing Action Group is one of the seven action groups focused on in Mattapan United. The other action groups include Safety, Health, Jobs, Community Fabric, Business Development, and Open & Green Spaces. Mattapan United envisions a community grassroots engagement process that creates an identity of Mattapan as a dynamic, desirable place to live, work and visit.

Mattapan United hosts their monthly Community Assembly Meeting the first Thursday of every month from 6 – 8 p.m. at ABCD Mattapan Family Service Center located at 535 River Street in Mattapan.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate. 



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