June 26, 2013

Mobile City Hall: Coming to a village near you. Photo courtesy Mayor's Office
A mobile “City Hall to Go” truck will be making stops in Dorchester and Mattapan this summer— part of a new Menino administration initiative that takes its cue from food trucks. Residents can plan to visit the truck to conduct city business that typically requires a downtown visit to City Hall.
Beginning July 2, the truck will visit neighborhoods on a full-time schedule, regularly rotating throughout the city on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays and Saturdays the truck will be available upon request, appearing at special events, block parties and street festivals.
The truck will make scheduled stops in Dorchester on the second Tuesday of the month and the fourth Wednesday of the month. July's Dorchester stops will be in Codman Square on July 9 and Ashmont Station on July 24. It will hit Mattapan starting at 4 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.
In response to residents' requests, the truck will be open weeknights until 7 p.m., and Saturdays until 5 p.m. On the fourth Tuesday of every month, residents can tweet @CityHallToGo their preferred location for the truck that day. The vehicle will announce the most tweeted location on Twitter and arrive at that location at 12:30 p.m. Go to cityofboston.gov to check for precise locations.