April 21, 2011
The Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition (MFFC) will be holding two events at the Mattapan Library in upcoming weeks. On Saturday, April 23, the group will unveil a project titled “Healthy on the Block,” a partnership with the Boston Public Health Commission. The project aims to increase access and visibility to healthy food options in Mattapan’s corner stores. Two stores, Mama’s Market and Lily’s Market, both located on Blue Hill Ave, have already started working with consultants from the BPHC under this program. MFFC hopes to expand the project into two more stores in the near future.
Saturday’s event will feature a walk from Mattapan Library to both corner stores to view the new arrangements, as well as a “healthy” Easter Egg hunt for children. The event will run from 12-2 p.m. BPHC dietitian, Kathy Cunningham will also give a cooking demonstration.
“We’ve made a commitment to provide healthier options in Mattapan and that includes transforming the stores and the restaurants,” said Morris. “It’s fortunate that we have the backing of BPHC in order to realize that goal.”
On Tuesday May 3, the coalition will be hold a photo exhibit and reception at the Mattapan branch library from 6 to 7:30 p.m. In preparation for the opening of the Mattapan Farmer’s Market in July, the photos will feature scenes from the market, as collected by volunteers and staffers working there over the years. The experience will also be completed by Jazz music from local musician Kyle Miles.
“As we are coming into spring, people are beginning to think about growing their own vegetables and visiting farmers markets,” said Morris. “We wanted to illustrate the vibrancy of the market here in Mattapan, so we will be showing photos of the market in action.”