October 26, 2010
Scouts honor: C-11 police host Dot packs: Pictured are on top row: Mike Simmons, Pack 28 Committee Chairman, John Anderson Assistant Cub Scout leader, Chris Gross Assistant Boy Scout leader, Scout David Pelczar, Scout Brendan Brock, Scout Cameron Gross, Scout Robert Carney, Scout Alex Sorel, Scout Martin Chomicki, Scoutmaster Bill Sorel, BPD Captain Richard Sexton C-11,
front row: Scout Tiwan Bonner, Cub Scout Sean Simmons, Cub Scout Mike Roache, Cub Scout Robbie Reeves, Cub Scout Andrew Murphy, Founding Scoutmaster (over 50 years) and Troop 28 Committee Chairman Mr. Joe Barry
The Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts of Pack & Troop 28 of the James Rice Post participated in a service project at Boston Police District 11 on Gibson Street in Dorchester recently. The project consisted of cleaning the green area in front of the station and preparing the ground for installation of some anti weed block fabric in 50' rolls.
Boy Scouts installed several rolls and cut to fit others and all replaced mulch to the entire area and around a memorial dedicated in the area. It was a job that took a couple of different meetings and was organized by scout leaders in cooperation with police officers and Captain Richard Sexton who provided the materials. The "service project" as it's known in Boy Scouts enables the Scout to Achieve various ranks such as Star, First Class, Second Class and Tenderfoot in a court of honor which was held on Oct. 21. It will also enable the Cub Scouts to earn a conservation award.
On Thursday, Oct. 14, Captain Sexton hosted a recognition ceremony honoring the Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts of Pack & Troop 28. In attendance was several parents and friends as well as police officers. All watched as Captain Sexton thanked the boys from the bottom of his heart for all their hard work as well as the leaders and presented the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts with plaques commemorating the event. Captain Sexton spoke about community service and the need for groups like the Boy Scouts of America to continue serving their community any way they can. Then on to the important part of the night for the boys, pizza and drinks were provided by Captain Sexton. The Captain mingled around and spoke with the boys while everyone had pizza and got to know the boys. The Captain followed up with a tour of the station for the boys. A good time was had by all and new friends were made by members of the police as well as the Scouts.
Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts are always interested in new members. The Cub Scouts meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM and the Boy Scouts meet on Thursday at 7:00 PM at the James Rice Amvets Post 33 Romsey Street.
Michael J. Simmons
Committee Chairman