December 9, 2010
A man attempted to rob Meetinghouse Bank in Lower Mills Thursday afternoon, passing a note to tellers demanding money and falsely saying he had a bomb.
Police, who were nearby, responded quickly and the incident, which occurred around 1p.m., was over in 10 minutes with the individual's arrest. “No one was hurt, nothing was taken,” said Tony Paciulli, the bank president.
The suspect was described as a black male with a "fake beard," a blue winter coat and an Eskimo hat. His note read, “I am Brian need $4,000 I got a gun and a Bomb.”
Police arrested Brian Miller, 54 of Dorchester, and charged him with attempted bank robbery and stealing by confining or putting in fear.
No customers were inside the bank at the time. Paciulli was on a conference call.
The bank was closed for 90 minutes per federal regulations following an attempted bank robbery.
“It was very much a non-event,” Paciulli said.