November 8, 2010
Mattapan Square has finally won a Main Street district from the city of Boston, according to an announcement by the Mayor's office today. The word comes after a two-year effort by Mattapan civic leaders to push for the designation.
According to an official release from Menino's office, a Mattapan Square Main Streets Board of Directors "will be formed in the coming weeks, which will subsequently hire an executive director, and the entity will ultimately be tasked with strengthening business development, boosting job creation, facilitating storefront improvements, promoting a vibrant neighborhood commercial district, and increasing services and the overall quality of life in the district."
It will be the city's 20th Main Streets district since the program was launched in 1995.
“Mattapan Square is a great location for the next Main Street district here in Boston, with its concentration of businesses and its potential for a successful shopping district that brings people here to dine and shop,” said Mayor Thomas M. Menino in a statement. “I’m grateful to the neighborhood leaders with whom we have worked very hard for a long time to get this done. It is their deep commitment to this community that will make Mattapan Square Main Streets a terrific success.”