March 12, 2009
NE Brake Building
As a temporary fix on a long-time eyesore, the new owner of the NE Brake Building at 1299 Massachusetts Ave. (above) is sprucing up the building's curved storefront and installing a small fruit and vegetable market to complement the giant Clapp's pear across the street.
"This is an interim solution," said Steven Turner, the owner. "I'm in the process of marketing the building but I don't have ink on paper yet. Ultimately what would I like to see? What I would prefer to see is some kind of restaurant, bank or retailer that was fitting and appropriate to the community."
Turner is in the midst of replacing the first story doors and windows on the building, and said the plan is to open the market, maybe under the name New Market Farm Stand, by April 15. A man named Sam Fremi, who has had a booth in the Chelsea Produce Market and the Haymarket is set to run the place.
As hopeful as he is for the future use of the building, Turner also cautions neighbors that there is a recession on, and finding the ultimate tenant may be challenging.
"I want to get good uses in there but the economy is so lousy," Turner said. "I don't want to set up an expectation and then have it fall through."