May 14, 2009
Mattapan PatriotsThe Mattapan Patriots Pop Warner Football and Cheerleading organization gears up for the 2009 season by having a fundraising event on Friday evening, May 22, 2009 at the Policeman Post located at 500 Morton St. ( American Legion Highway). Come out and get your laugh on with some really funny comedians: Lady Vain, Just Al and Steven Donovan will make you laugh.
After the show is the After Party. Playing the old school R & B and block party mixes will be DJ Joe Peters. After you laugh , it will be time to GET DOWN with the old school dances like the Wop, the Cabbage Patch, the Running Man, the Bus Stop, and the Prep. Tickets are $10. Food will be for sale at the party, cash bar.
Call Jonathon Gates at 617-590-8334 or e-mail to arrange to purchase your ticket.