C.F. Donovan's closed; the future is unclear

C.F. Donovan'sC.F. Donovan'sC.F. Donovan's, the popular Dorchester neighborhood restaurant and bar on Savin Hill Ave. across from the T station, was shuttered this week and appears closed. The doors remain locked and the windows are covered with brown paper.

Earlier in the week, a neighbor reported seeing two small trucks backed up to a rear door of the building. Three workers were seen moving what appeared to be kitchen equipment onto the trucks.
Phone calls to the business went unanswered, and owner Arthur Donovan could not be reached for comment.

"Donovan's is the anchor of that neighborhood and we hope it re-opens and remains under the management of Arthur Donovan," said James Brett, a Savin Hill resident and president and chief executive of The New England Council. "Arthur is beloved by that neighborhood. He has done so much for so many people, in a quiet way. We are rooting for him. I don't know if he knows how much love and respect there is for him in the community."

"It is a great place to eat and to meet for conversation," Brett said. "Arthur is the Anthony Athanas of Dorchester. He is the greeter and he knows everyone's name and makes them feel welcome."

Like others, Brett said he does not know anything about the status of the business.

"Arthur put so much of his sweat and equity into the community," Brett said. "I think it's important that the community rally around him."



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