Developer Steven Turner has not returned phone calls from the Reporter and at least one local civic association this week, but he has begun minimal work on a local landmark, the NE Brake building at Mass Ave. and East Cottage Street in Edward Everett... Read more
Dorchester real estate agent Kenneth Osherow is already back at work in a limited capacity and recovering well after his partner of five years, Ceslo Cruz, inexplicably attacked him at his second home in Bartlett, N.H. Jan. 17.
Cruz allegedly broke both... Read more
The City's Office of Neighborhood Development (DND) rolled out a new program this week designed to assist small businesses and non-profits in reducing the cost of their utility bills.
Dubbed "Boston Buying Power," the program creates a City of Boston-wide... Read more
Despite the down economy which has sapped potential financing for two massive development proposals on Columbia Point, neighborhood folks came out to view the progress on the Boston Redevelopment Authority's Master Plan for the point on Saturday.
Their... Read more
A tax lien court case begun in 2004 for a 2.75 acre property at 65 East Cottage St. - whose owner owes more than $1.6 million in property tax - appears to be perched once again on the precipice of resolution.
A new buyer, Briggs Capital LLC, now has the... Read more
Plans to erect a new billboard on the Southeastern Expressway stalled this week after Port Norfolk neighbors demanded more time to review the proposal, which would divert an unspecified percentage of profits back into the community in return for their... Read more
The CVS store in Lower Mills will expand its footprint in the Dorchester Avenue building it currently shares with a Tedeschi's convenience store, the Reporter learned this week. The Tedeschi's store will close its doors this weekend, according to sources... Read more
Brothers Stavros and Ted Retzos, in their new Metamorphosis Lower Mills store: Photo by Ed Forry.
Lefeeris Retzos' story is a true American tale.
Retzos - whose American nickname is Ted - is the owner of Spuckies 'n Pizza, a Washington Street restaurant... Read more
Fields Corner shopping mall
Some call it a retail area. Others a strip mall.
To Tom Cifrino, it is the "Fields Station Shopping Center," and for him, it's a family legacy, a Dorchester business begun by his father and uncle almost a century ago.
When the... Read more
In a time of looming economic gloominess, a number of Mattapan business owners are banding together in hopes of winning a city-designated Main Streets district in the new year. Advocates for the idea have set up a working committee to lobby for the city's... Read more