Mattapan’s Mildred Avenue K-8 School briefly went into “safe mode” on Tuesday morning, following a spat between two parents, according to the Boston Police Department. A spokesman on Tuesday afternoon said that the situation had been resolved and students... Read more
Pres. Obama: President Obama spoke at TechBoston Academy on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. Photo courtesy BPS
For Archana Ailawadhi, a college counselor at TechBoston Academy in Dorchester, it was all about the numbers when President Barack Obama stopped by the... Read more
The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into complaints that the City of Boston's school closing plans discriminate against black and Latino students and parents.
In a Feb. 15 letter, Donna Russell, an attorney in the department's... Read more
Unplowed DanubeState Rep. Tony Henriquez said this morning the city DPW told him it will be sending a plow over to Danube Street, which runs alongside the Winthrop School and which went unplowed yesterday.
Henriquez said the problem is that residents park... Read more
UMass-Boston concrete falls: No one was hurt when this 385 pound section fell in an unoccupied area of Wheatley Hall on Thursday.UMass-Boston officials were reminded this week that parts of the campus are crumbling – literally.
The Columbia Point campus’s... Read more
Committee Votes for School Consolidation from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
Above: Joe Rowland of BNN-TV's Neighborhood Network News reports.
As a frequently raucous crowd of parents and teachers jeered them, the Boston School Committee late Wednesday voted 7-0... Read more
Fifield Parents Object to Closing: BPS Superintendent Carol Johnson's plan to close the school prompted these signs of protest at a Wednesday meeting in Jamaica Plain. Photo by Chris LovettThe scene on Tuesday night in Fifield Elementary’s Room 204 was... Read more
Fourteen would-be charter schools have applied to the State Department of Education to be granted charters to start up new schools in Boston out of 23 across the state. Representatives from several of the applicant schools appeared before a panel of state... Read more
Five months after he was installed as principal of Harbor Middle School, Dr. Robert Martin was removed by the city’s school department, parents learned in a letter from Superintendent Carol Johnson.
Johnson’s letter, which parents received last week on... Read more
Boston schools chief Carol Johnson reversed course Thursday night, proposing to keep open the Roger Clap Elementary School.
The Clap would become an "innovation school," operating similarly to a charter school and providing more administrative flexibility... Read more