
The plan to sell the building that once housed St. William’s Elementary School and rehab it into a new home for a Catholic high school appeared to remain stalled this week.

For more than two months, this newspaper has been reporting on the... Read more

The city’s municipal election is now history, and with it came some historic triumphs – Mayor Tom Menino won an unprecedented fifth full term, and Dorchester’s own Ayanna Pressley became the first-ever woman of color to win a citywide campaign... Read more

Politics continue to be at center stage in Boston, and as the culmination of the 2009 city elections approaches, there will be nary a moment for the electorate to catch its breath before being asked to come back to the polls two more times. Once the... Read more

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Thirty years ago this month, a wonderful Dorchester landmark was unveiled. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum was dedicated Oct. 20, 1979 here on the shores of Dorchester Bay.
The elaborate ceremony brought an array of... Read more

Adam Gaffin, who writes the influential blog Universal Hub, reported last week about a “pirate radio station” that federal regulators are trying to close down.

“Feds chase radio pirates across town,” he wrote. “An unlicensed radio... Read more

Dorchester and Mattapan people like to stay in touch, and on the Reporter's website, dotnews.com, a lively "virtual community" is developing, with neighbors old and new sharing their stories about their lives lived in our neighborhoods. Here's a... Read more

There are two attractive fund-raising events set for the community over the next two days, and each of them promises to be top-notch social events bringing neighbors together for good causes.

Tonight, after a year’s hiatus ,the fabulous “Men... Read more

The flap this week over the lost e-mails at City Hall is a last-minute distraction in a campaign season that otherwise has been conducted at a high level.

The four candidates for mayor have shared a forum several times, including two head-on... Read more

The community discussion over whether the state’s Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) should seek federal dollars to establish an express bus route along Blue Hill Avenue is now in its fifth month.

It was last May 4 that... Read more

Some final thoughts about the momentous events that surrounded the death of Senator Ted Kennedy.

• When the funeral cortege traveled to Boston from Cape Cod, it followed a route up Route 3 and the Southeast Expressway... Read more

Much is being said this week about the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy. First diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in May, 2008, our senior senator carried forth for more than 15 months, all the while spending his remaining days fighting with great... Read more

The summer doldrums are here, so please forgive that I was away in cooler climes these past two weeks, hence missed much of what passes for civic discourse.

The main topic this month, of course, is the raging debate over health care reform.... Read more

The community was startled three months ago when the Executive Office of Transportation and Public Works (EOTPW) revealed plans to use federal stimulus funds to build an express bus lane along Blue Hill Ave. The proposal seemed to come out of the blue... Read more

The local blogosphere has been discussing the boundaries of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan. One popular blogger, known as the Whalehead King, hosts a popular and positive site talking about the Dorchester and Mattapan communities, and last week he... Read more
