We’d like to talk about developing Bayside site as an inclusive village

From: The offices of the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance.
To: Prospective Developers of the Bayside site

We understand that you are interested in 20 acres of prime waterfront property in Dorchester.

Well, we are, too!

We are sure you know that home prices in Dorchester are now well beyond the means of most families looking for a starter home. We are losing good people one-by-one as they are priced out of our neighborhood. Some of these neighbors are new Bostonians and some families have lived in Dorchester for generations. We hope you will work with us, and with others in Dorchester, at UMass, and in city government, to develop a proposal that will contribute to stability and diversity in our area.

Our vision for the Bayside site is a new, inclusive Dorchester village with homeownership and serious affordability for both renters and prospective homebuyers. We see a neighborhood that represents what is great about Dorchester – Black, Latino, Asian and White neighbors of all income levels living together in a diverse mix of housing styles, including reimagining our iconic three-decker homes. We see homes for families with children and parks to play in along with smaller units for students, seniors, and millennials just starting out.

And we see these homes selling and renting at affordable – truly affordable – prices so that residents will have a chance to stay and thrive in our great neighborhood.

We want to hear about your vision and work with you to make this new development an opportunity for all who live here and want to stay.


Acia Adams-Heath, a Dorchester resident and member of MAHA’s board of directors; Shannon O’Malley, a Dorchester resident and member of MAHA’s Leadership team.