July 15, 2013
City Councillor At-Large Felix G. Arroyo is going up on TV with a 30-second spot this week. The ad will run on Univision and Telemundo for an initial run of 4 weeks, according to the campaign.
The introductory ad -- titled "Con Tu Ayuda Vamos a Hacer Historia," or "With your help we will make history" -- briefly focuses on Arroyo's biography and features the mayoral candidate's father, Felix D. Arroyo, the former city councillor at-large.
A Jamaica Plain resident who is married to a teacher, the younger Arroyo was elected to the council in 2009 and earlier this year kicked off his mayoral campaign. If elected to the mayor's office, Arroyo would be the first Latino to hold the job.
"We believe that this media campaign will supplement the grassroots work we are doing in all neighborhoods in Boston, and build upon the groundswell of support Felix is getting across the city," Doug Rubin, a senior advisor to the Arroyo campaign who served in Gov. Deval Patrick's administration, said in a statement. "We are looking to build upon that support and engage residents in our grassroots efforts."
The ad's script is below:
TITLE: "Con Tu Ayuda Vamos a Hacer Historia"
With your help we will make history.
Hola mi nombre es Félix Arroyo y soy hijo de esta ciudad que amo .
Hi, my name is Felix Arroyo. I’m a son of this city that I love.
Crecí aquí, estudié en las escuelas públicas de Boston y ahora le sirvo a esta ciudad como tu concejal y me estoy lanzando para ser tu próximo alcalde
I was raised here, attended Boston Public Schools, and now I'm serving this city as your City Councilor and I’m running to become your next mayor.
Estoy corriendo porque creo que todos los residentes de Boston merecen tener voz y voto sobre el futuro de nuestra ciudad.
I’m running because I believe that everyone deserves to have a say about the future of our city.
Con tu ayuda vamos a hacer historia. Vota el 24 de Septiembre y juntos moveremos esta ciudad pa’lante
With your help we will make history. Vote on September 24 and together we will move this city forward.
UPDATE: Story updated at 7:30 p.m. with background information on Arroyo.